Transition to civilian life

Transitioning to civilian life after serving in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) can be a challenge. Support is available for you and your family to help ease the process along the way.

Victorian Government support

There are resources specific to Victorians to support your transition back to civilian life. If you choose Victoria as your new home or are returning to Victoria after serving in the ADF, find them on the Victorian government website.(opens in a new window)

Find out about Victoria

Australian Defence Force support

The Defence Force Transition Program can help you to plan your transition out of the Defence Force and into civilian life.

The ADF Member and Family Transition Guide – A Practical Manual to Transitioning provides detailed information on the transition process for ADF members and on Reserve service. It may also be useful to former members who have already transitioned.

Department of Veterans’ Affairs support

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) works with Defence to help you prepare for the many aspects of transitioning from service to civilian life.

You can find out more about transitioning to civilian life on the DVA website.


Advocates are trained to help you access services and payments. They are generally volunteers and work for ex-service organisations. They are not DVA staff members.

Advocates can assist you with transition through the Defence Force Transition Program or help if you transitioned some time ago.

Find an advocate in your area.
