The VVC’s engagement will be meaningful, inclusive, transparent and informed.
Those affected by a decision have a right to be part of the decision-making process. Engagement is genuine and informs the actions and decisions of the VVC.
Engagement is human-centred, respectful, inclusive and accessible. Engagement ensures the design, organisation and implementation serve a clear purpose and the needs of those taking part.
Engagement is representative. It includes those possibly affected by or interested in a decision. The process is clear and open about what stakeholders can and cannot influence.
Engagement gives participants the information and support they need to meaningfully take part.
Our engagement principles are based on:
- the International Association for Public Participation’s (IAP2) ‘Core Values’
- the United States-based National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation’s (NCDD) ‘Core Principles for Public Engagement’
- the Victorian Government’s Public engagement framework (2021–25).
Ways to get our messages out
We use the following channels to plan and engage with the veteran and ex-service community and our stakeholders:
Direct engagement
- meetings with individuals and groups
- commemorative activities
- launches
- phone calls and videoconferencing
- summits, forums and conferences
- direct email communications.
- our website
- social media
- Engage Victoria website.
Our relationships
- We use our relationships with our stakeholders to engage with their communities. We do this through their established channels and relationships. These channels include forums, meetings and conferences.
We advertise about:
- grants
- activities
- opportunities to provide input/feedback
- events.
We will work with mainstream and veterans’ media to:
- pass on information
- promote opportunities to get involved.
Third-party support
- We will support the activities of third parties doing work on our behalf.